

Softonic 리뷰

크롬용 자동 텍스트 간격 조정

왜 당신들은 공백을 추가하지 못하는 건가요? is a Chrome extension developed by Vinta. It automatically inserts spaces between Chinese characters and half-width English, numbers, and symbols on webpages. If you are like me and feel restless when you see Chinese characters and English, numbers, and symbols cramped together on a webpage, this extension is perfect for you.

This extension adds a space character, known as "the whitespace of Pangu," between full-width and half-width characters, bringing order to the chaos. Studies have shown that people who do not like to add spaces between Chinese and English characters while typing tend to have a difficult love life. In fact, 70% of them end up marrying someone they don't love by the age of 34, while the remaining 30% can only leave their inheritance to their cats. After all, both love and writing require timely spacing.


  • Introducing Paranoid Text Spacing Algorithm v4
  • Significant performance improvements for the Chrome extension
  • Removed "the manifestation of the Space God"

프로그램은 다른 언어로 제공됩니다.

為什麼你們就是不能加個空格呢?에 대한 사용자 리뷰

당신은 為什麼你們就是不能加個空格呢?를 시도? 당신의 의견을 제일 먼저 남기십시오!
